
A Checklist for moving into a New-build Home

Are you buying a new-build or shortly due to be moving into a brand-new home?Once you have received your completion date for your new home, it’s only natural to be excited to get packed and move in. But, before you do, there are a few important things to arrange first.See our checklist for moving into a new-build home.

Home demonstration and handover
Before your official moving in day, you should arrange for a demonstration of your new home with your developer. This is usually done about a week or a few days before your moving in day. You’ll want a good amount of time for this appointment, without rushing, so make sure to plan ahead. Let your developer know of the amount of time you will need to inspect the property, too. If they are unhappy about this, remind them this is the single biggest purchase you will ever make, and you want to be sure everything is as it should be.

Thorough demonstration and inspection
The home handover is the time for your builder to show you your new home and talk you through how things work and where things are. This should cover and is not limited to the heating system, appliances, energy meters, smoke alarms, where the mains water stopcock is located, the drying out process of the property, and how you can report defects. This is also a good time to discuss and agree when you can arrange for a professional snagging survey to be done.

The handover is also the chance for you to check for yourself, everything in your new home. You should take the time to open, close, and inspect everything for yourself. As well as testing all the appliances, make sure you turn on taps and lights, open and close doors, windows, and cupboards. Plus, it pays to thoroughly inspect the finish of all floor and wall tiling and check around windows. Don’t forget to look in the loft to make sure it has had insulation fitted. And go into the garden; look for any pools of water and lift any turf to check no rubble is hiding beneath it.

While you are inspecting the property, make notes and take pictures of anything which concerns you. You can then ask for any concerns or problems to be fixed before you move in. Make sure to put your concerns in writing, to the builder directly rather than ask the person at the handover.

Arrange a Snagging Survey
The best time for you to get a snagging survey done is before you exchange contracts with your developer and move in. In an ideal world this would be a week or so before completion, when your builder knows they have finished all building work. However, not all developers allow snagging surveys to be done before completion. If that’s the case, then aim to get your professional snagging survey booked for as soon as you can once you have moved in. A snagging inspection can be done on a new-build up to two years after completion.

Measure up
While you have access to the property and all building work has finished, use the time wisely to measure for soft furnishings and furniture. When you have your home handover, take a tape measure with you. You can then make note of window sizes in readiness for buying curtains or blinds, and figure out whether pieces of furniture will fit, before you move in.

Get your postcode
A lot of people overlook this fundamental task when they buy a new-build home. Don’t forget the road and the whole development your new-build home is on are brand new. It is your developer’s responsibility to contact the local council and get a postcode. Royal Mail will then set the postcode to ‘live’ once they are told mail can be delivered there. Make sure to contact Royal Mail as soon as you can, so that you can get the necessary home insurances arranged.
You might find there is a period where you need to direct delivery drivers to your property as some companies can be slower than others updating their systems.

Don’t forget a door number
It’s worth checking with your builder before you move in: will they put a door number on your property? If not, it is advisable to order your own. That way if you do have deliveries coming once you have moved in, people can find you.

Book your broadband installation
There can be long waiting times for engineers to come out to your home and connect you to the internet. Therefore, it pays to be organised and make these arrangements in advance. From broadband to any satellite television, even a phone line if you are having one.
With the changes to the law last year, new home developers are legally required to build gigabit broadband into new homes allowing fast and reliable connections. The sooner you can connect to these services, the better for you all moving in.

Order your bins
As this is a brand-new home, you need to get in touch with your local council to order the relevant bins to be delivered. Plus, ask them when bin collection days will be. If you are one of the first to move in on a new-build development, you want to be sure you are accounted for. It has been known for issues to arise with bin collections on new developments, so make sure you tell the council clearly when you will be official residents.

Plan for moving day
Once you get to this stage, moving in day will soon be with you. From taking the necessary time off work, to getting packing boxes and perhaps quotes for removals, there’s enough to do just arranging the move. If you are having someone else do the move for you, start to get some quotes with reputable removal firms. Or, if you are doing the move yourself, get some prices and availability on vans to hire.

Say hello to neighbours
If you have people already moved in around you on the new street, it doesn’t hurt to take the time to knock on a neighbour’s door and introduce yourself. Let them know when you’ll be moving in and ask them politely how their experience went. You could learn a lot from that conversation alone!

New Homes Place is here to make your new-build home search quicker and easier. We list thousands of new homes across the country from housebuilders large and small. Simply type in your desired location and start your dream new home search with us here.

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